L’Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord (OTAN), l’alliance militaire nucléaire dirigée par les États-Unis et fondée en 1949 par douze pays, dont le Canada, tient sa 70e Assemblée parlementaire annuelle à Montréal. Au cours des 25 dernières années, l’OTAN a laissé une traînée de morts et de destruction à travers ses interventions militaires dans l’ex-Yougoslavie, […]
Category: Uncategorized
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the U.S.-led, nuclear-armed, military alliance that was founded in 1949 by twelve countries, including Canada, is holding its 70th Annual Parliamentary Assembly in Montreal. In the last 25 years, NATO has left a trail of death and destruction from its military interventions in the former Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, and now […]
Human Rights, Canadian Imperialism and Haiti’s Fight for Self-Determination View the recording here Haitians are currently protesting on a massive scale and Canada is leading the international push for foreign military intervention. Why is Canada interested in military intervention? How are human rights concerns being leveraged to justify military expansion? How did we get here […]

Du 15 au 23 octobre, les militants exigeront NON aux nouveaux avions de chasse, aux navires de guerre et aux drones ! Nous avons besoin de milliards pour le logement, les soins de santé, l’emploi et le climat, PAS pour les profiteurs de guerre !
#FundPeaceNotWar Week of Action

From October 15th to 23rd, join us in demanding NO new fighter jets, warships, or drones! We need billions for housing, health care, jobs and climate, NOT for war profiteering!

The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network adamantly opposes the visit of a delegation of Canadian MP’s to Taiwan proposed for October 2022. This delegation, to be led by the Minister for Foreign Trade, Judy Sgro, will inevitably worsen Canadian relations with China, our second largest trading partner, and raise tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, which […]
International Day of Peace 2022

CEASEFIRES AND NEGOTIATIONS NOW! DISARM NOW! BAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS! On United Nations International Peace Day, 9.21.2022, the need for de-escalations, negotiations, disarmament and understanding could not be more urgent. Nuclear war is looming, especially as Russia may be motivated to retaliate against the US, Europe and Canada. Devastating military conflicts are dragging on and increasing […]
Stop the War, Stop NATO

Peace groups across Canada will be protesting NATO and calling for an end to the war in Ukraine during the NATO Summit in Spain at the end of this month. “Stop the War, Stop NATO” rallies will be held across the country from June 24 to June 30.
Advocating for Peace in Ukraine

Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network members have been actively advocating for Peace in Ukraine for many months and are continuing to do so. We as a collective have pushed for deescalation and an end to this war and once more are raising the alarm to the threat of nuclear deployment facing humanity. In addition to […]

The war in Yemen must stop! Antiwar and peace activists and organizations are marking 7 years of the war on Yemen with a day of action on March 26 and 27. Canada has blood on its hands. We demand #CanadaStopArmingSaudi!