We’re a new network bringing people and groups together to share information and resources, and work together on collective campaigns and projects.
Network News
- Report Back Webinar: No to NATO! Yes to Peace!Join the report back to hear from activists and organizers at the No to NATO, Yes to Peace and Resist NATO counter-summit and rally against NATO!
- STOP WAR! STOP THE INDUSTRY OF DEATH! SHUT DOWN THE ABBOTSFORD AIRSHOW!As peace loving citizens and residents of Canada who want an end to war, we members of 50 groups collectively known as the Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network, strongly oppose the Abbotsford Airshow. Events such as this serve to normalize and expand the arms trade, aggressive military policies, growing military budgets and aggressive military engagements.
- No to NATO! Canada-Wide Week of ActionThe Canada-Wide Week of Action is protesting NATO’S 75 Year Anniversary Summit in Washington DC July 9-11, & in solidarity with the No to NATO, Yes to Peace Counter-Summit July 6-7 in Washington DC.
- Guerre en Ukraine : besoin urgent d’un cessez-le-feu, de négociations et de paix.Les Canadiens exigent une évaluation honnête et la fin de la guerre en Ukraine.
- On the Second Anniversary of War in Ukraine, the Urgent Need is for a Ceasefire, Negotiations, and PeaceCanadians demand an honest assessment of and an end to the war in Ukraine
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