Join the report back to hear from activists and organizers at the No to NATO, Yes to Peace and Resist NATO counter-summit and rally against NATO!
Author: Azza
As peace loving citizens and residents of Canada who want an end to war, we members of 50 groups collectively known as the Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network, strongly oppose the Abbotsford Airshow. Events such as this serve to normalize and expand the arms trade, aggressive military policies, growing military budgets and aggressive military engagements.
No to NATO! Canada-Wide Week of Action
The Canada-Wide Week of Action is protesting NATO’S 75 Year Anniversary Summit in Washington DC July 9-11, & in solidarity with the No to NATO, Yes to Peace Counter-Summit July 6-7 in Washington DC.
Du 15 au 23 octobre, les militants exigeront NON aux nouveaux avions de chasse, aux navires de guerre et aux drones ! Nous avons besoin de milliards pour le logement, les soins de santé, l’emploi et le climat, PAS pour les profiteurs de guerre !
The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network adamantly opposes the visit of a delegation of Canadian MP’s to Taiwan proposed for October 2022. This delegation, to be led by the Minister for Foreign Trade, Judy Sgro, will inevitably worsen Canadian relations with China, our second largest trading partner, and raise tensions in the Asia-Pacific region, which […]