Join the Counter-Summit Against NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly in Montreal
No to NATO, Yes to Peace!

Join the Counter-Summit Against NATO’s Parliamentary Assembly in Montreal
The Canada-Wide Week of Action is protesting NATO’S 75 Year Anniversary Summit in Washington DC July 9-11, & in solidarity with the No to NATO, Yes to Peace Counter-Summit July 6-7 in Washington DC.
Les Canadiens exigent une évaluation honnête et la fin de la guerre en Ukraine.
Canadians demand an honest assessment of and an end to the war in Ukraine
The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network (CWPJN) urges people in Canada to join us in the global mobilization (October 1st to 8th) for an end to the war in Ukraine.
As NATO gathers for a summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, we unite with pro-peace and anti-war actions occurring around the world at the same time to demand a ceasefire and negotiations to end the war in Ukraine. Read a network statement about these issues here. Photos from July 2023 No to NATO Actions Across the Country […]
The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network (CWPJN) is pleased to announce that it has organized a Canada-wide speaking tour for citizen-diplomat Dimitri Lascaris to report back to Canadians about his recent mission of peace to Russia. The title of the tour is “Making Peace With Russia, One Handshake At A Time.” UPDATE: Additional Toronto stop […]
Register HERE. For the last year, the war in Ukraine has been reflected daily in mainstream news, but remains an issue clouded by confusion. While events of the last year are front page news, there is little talk about the many years of NATO provocations, aggression and military buildup against Russia. More and more each […]
The Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network organized a weekend of action to “Stop the War, Stop NATO” from February 23-26, 2023 in solidarity with other pro-peace, anti-war actions occurring around the world at the same time. Actions took place in Montreal, Ottawa, Hamilton, Waterloo, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria. Montreal Montreal Montreal Montreal Regina […]
Across Canada, many Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network members action to reject Canada’s imperialist wars, occupations, sanctions and military interventions. Interview with Ken Stone (Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War) on Canada-wide protests. Peace Alliance Winnipeg statement calling for a ceasefire in Ukraine and video of local action ARCHIVE: Canada-Wide Peace and Justice Network Statement […]