
Report Back Webinar: No to NATO! Yes to Peace!

Join the report back to hear from activists and organizers at the No to NATO, Yes to Peace and Resist NATO counter-summit and rally against NATO!

Wednesday August 28
4pm PT / 5pm MT / 6pm CT / 7pm ET / 9pm AT

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From July 9-11, NATO held their 75th anniversary summit in Washington DC. Join the report back to hear from activists and organizers at the No to NATO, Yes to Peace and Resist NATO counter-summit and rally against NATO!

Speakers will discuss their reflections on the people’s summit and rally against NATO and the troubling outcomes of NATO’s 75th anniversary summit. Speakers will also share concerns about the growing dangers of NATO and talk about ways that we can resist, grow a mass movement against NATO and build peace with all countries.

  • SARA FLOUNDERS: Organizer and co-director of International Action Center, and organizer with the United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC) and the SanctionsKill Campaign. She is a political writer and the author of ten books, and Contributing Editor of Workers World Newspaper.
  • DJIBO SOBUKWE: Member of The Black Alliance for Peace on the Africa team. He is a former member of the All African People’s Revolutionary Party who worked with Kwame Ture on the political education committee. He has also published articles in Black Agenda Report.
  • DAVID SWANSON: Author, activist, journalist, and radio host of Talk World Radio. Executive Director of World BEYOND War and campaign coordinator for International Coordinating Committee member of No to War – No to
  • NINA MACAPINLAC: Secretary General of BAYAN USA, and a Steering Committee member of the U.S. country chapter of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS).
  • TAMARA LORINCZ: Peace and environmental activist, member of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace and Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom.
  • JANINE SOLANKI: Chair of Mobilization Against War & Occupation (MAWO), editorial board member of Fire This Time Newspaper.